Vee’s Inspiration November 26, 2024
Words are more than words when they ignite emotions that lead to action that leads to progress. Similarly, words are more than words when they ignite emotions that lead to action that leads to destruction.
I came across the following phrases while doing my daily reading and meditation.
Laziness kills Ambition
Anger kills Wisdom
Fear kills Dreams
Ego kills Growth
Jealousy kills Peace
Doubt kills Confidence
Ambition kills Laziness
Wisdom kills Anger
Dreams kills Fear
Growth kills Ego
Peace kills Jealousy
Confidence Kills Doubt
As I meditated on the above wordplay, one truth was clear. Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual fitness is as important as Physical Fitness
A Special Birthday shout out to my Youngest Grandson Kacen on his 1st Birthday. My little dude Happy Birthday 🎉. Be Great!
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