Vee’s Inspiration January 28, 2024

“No plan survives contact with the enemy". - Helmuth von Moltke 

Sometimes the best of plans get sidelined for better plans.  We had it planned from Tuesday.  We were going to do the town for date night on Saturday.  Saturday comes,  I get up, get a workout in, and then get ready for work.  Anissia gets up gets her coffee starts doing some laundry and starts working on blinging out some Crocs for one of her DesignsByNeicy customers.   I head out into the pouring rain, to make the hour-and-a-half ride to look at a real estate site.  In the back of my mind I'm thinking, it's pouring, but we’re still doing date night on the town.  I get back home by 3:00 pm and it's still pouring rain.  By this time Anissia was in her zone, working on another pair of Crocs for another customer,  I asked if she had finished my new Vee’s Fitness shorts, and I got a slick “No”,  with eyes like,  I’m working on some things for real customers,  like I'm not also a real paying customer.  Smh. I get no priority service with DesignsByNiecy.  

Fast forward to 3:45 pm.  

What I heard…. My neighbor is moving some stuff, so I tell Anissia l, “Let's go over to see if he needs any help.  

The Reality… my neighbor has movers over moving some stuff and he doesn't need any help.  

It's still pouring outside so we just spend some time catching up with the neighbors.  Date night on the town is not looking too good.   So what do we do?  Our neighbors, Karen and Wayne, had already eaten but wanted some cookies.  I walk back over to our house, in the pouring rain, grab some cookie dough and four cans of La Croix, and walk back to their house.  Anissia orders steaks from Outback to be delivered to their house.  Once our food is delivered Karen and Wayne, bake some cookies while we eat our dinner.  Saturday is their Sabbath, so we listened to gospel music, ate, and talked.    Its officials, Date Night on the town has been rained out.  But Date Night at our neighbor's house was better than we could have ever planned.  

We've had 4 date nights so far this year, and plan to have at least 48 more.  Next week we have plans to attend a birthday party so we will have our night out on the town.  And Psssst, we already have our next Date Night set for this coming Monday since I head back out of town on Tuesday.  

I know you're thinking, WTF Vecus,  where's the message in all this?  We don't care about your silly stories. Well, first of all, you know I love telling stories and second, there is something I learned…

Hear my thoughts…

Goals, Obligations, Circumstances,  Reality, Pivots, Perspective.

Goal - We planned to have a Date Night downtown.  

Message -  (Life is better when you have a plan.)

Obligations - We had work to do for others that we had to make happen. 

Message -  (In life, there will always be the have to dos.)

Circumstance - The weather was really bad and a valid reason to stay home. 

Message- (Life is filled with situations you can't control)

Reality - We were tired and did not want to fight the weather to go downtown. 

Message- (See things for what they are, be honest with yourself)

Pivot - We went to our neighbor's house and hung out. 

Message- (To survive and thrive in life, you have to be flexible)

Perspective - We had a wonderful evening laughing, talking, and enjoying family and each other. 

Message - (Taking a step back to look at situations differently can change your reality)

Life is made up of Goals, Obligations, Circumstances,  Reality, Pivots, and Perspective.   Once you understand that truth and understand how to shape that truth into your reality,  life becomes more understandable and more enjoyable.  

I guess I could have started with the ending, but I love a good story!

Have a Great Day and Stay safe!

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Thank you for your support - Vecus


Vee’s Inspiration January 29, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration January 27, 2024