Vee’s Inspiration January 29, 2024

As Promised...

Here are the things I plan on accomplishing during the next 4 months starting February 1st and ending June - 1st.   I share, but don't feel like you have to share. But If you choose to share with me, please send it to, And no worries,  anything shared with me, stays with me. 



  1. Read a physical book for 30min a day -(Finish 3 books)

  2. Complete the initial draft of my book

  3. Pay off $500 of credit card debt each pay period (8*500=$4000)


  1. Lose 1.5lbs per week for a total weight loss of 25.5lbs

  2. Be able to complete my personal 2024 Fitness goals.  

  3. Continue my No Alcohol Journey 


  1. Meditate/Contemplate 30 minutes per day (enjoy a stronger connection with God)

  2. Use my Left hand to write 15 min per day (working to better activate the right side of my brain)

  3. Sauna or Cold Plunge 3-4 days per week (condition my nervous system)

Those are the things in the Mind, Body, and Soul categories that I plan on accomplishing between Febuary 1st and June 1st

On February 5th we will start TheChallengeFebuary.  The video explanation and demonstration will be posted on on February 4th.

Come “Rock with Me”

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

If you are enjoying the content please invite a friend to become a member @  If you are not a current member,  you can join Vee’s Fitness starting February 1st, 2024.  

Thank you for your support - Vecus


Vee’s Inspiration January, 30, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration January 28, 2024