Vee’s Inspiration January 23, 2024
Good morning! We are 8 days away from February, which means we are 8 days away from starting to work towards a different reality. What are you talking about Vecus? I'm talking about the things we are going to accomplish in the next 4-months.
Let take a look back. This is from the inspiration on January 2nd…
I want you to use the next 4 weeks to decide what you want to accomplish in the next 4 months.
I want you to divide it into three main sections Mind, Body, and Soul. Each section can have up to 3 items that you want to accomplish in the next 4 months.
For example-
Read a book for 30min a day
Learn something new at work
Learn a new Hobby
Decrease blood pressure by 10pts
Pay off a credit card debt or save for the next summer vacation
Lose 20lbs for a class reunion, vacation, or for yourself
Connect better with your partner or spouse
Learn something new about yourself. Find some inner peace
Reconnect or connect with the spiritual part of yourself.
This is just an example to help you think about what you want to accomplish this year. Work on this and make sure you write it down. Be specific, but not too restrictive, and please don’t use your first thoughts. Take some time on this.
We will have a 4-month, 3-month, 2-month, and 1-month accomplishment cycle. Like I said, 2024 is going to be different.
Back to the present…
I hope you've been thinking about the things you want to accomplish in the next 4 months. I'll share the things I plan on accomplishing, no worries you don't have to share your with me, but if you want to share, send me an email at If you choose to share, it will remain private.
So let's get excited about the great things we are going to accomplish in 2024.
Here are some other cool things that are happening at Vee’s Fitness starting in February:
The new Vee’s Fitness website
New Membership levels - with more content
New Group classes - Boots and Glutes, Vee’s Virtual FitCamp, Morning Zoom Workouts and other member classes
And so much more…
To all current Vee’s Fitness members, thank you for Rockin with me. Your Basic membership will be upgraded to the new Gold membership at no additional cost. I appreciate your loyality.
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!
If you are enjoying the content please invite a friend to become a member @ If you are not a current member, you can join Vee’s Fitness starting February 1st, 2024.
Thank you for your support - Vecus