Vee’s Inspiration February 1, 2024

Lord,  thank you for this pause.  It has allowed me the opportunity to reflect and be thankful.   To look at this thing we call life from a perspective of gratitude and appreciation.  We work so hard trying to do better so that our achievements honor the sacrifice of those who came before us, that we forget. We forget to honor the sacrifice of the ones who have been on the journey with us.  

We are thankful for them and the sacrifices they have made to allow us to be here.   Personally,  I am thankful for my tribe, they are a part of my reason “WHY”.  If you have not done it,  thank the people who are part of your “WHY”.

And Lord,  thank you for my mental, phyiscal and spiritual health.

Today is Day 1 of my 4-month accomplishment cycle.   I plan on keeping myself accountable by being 100% transparent about my progress.  

Here is what I plan on accomplishing in the next 4-months. 

For my 


  1. Read a physical book for 30min a day -(Finish 3 books)

  2. Complete the initial draft of my book

  3. Pay off $500 of credit card debt each pay period (8*500=$4000)

For my


  1. Lose 1.5lbs per week for a total weight loss of 25.5lbs

  2. Be able to complete my personal 2024 Fitness goals.  

  3. Continue my No Alcohol Journey 

For my


  1. Meditate/Contemplate 30 minutes per day (enjoy a stronger connection with God)

  2. Use my Left hand to write 15 min per day (working to better activate the right side of my brain)

  3. Sauna or Cold Plunge 3-4 days per week (condition my nervous system)

I hope you are ready to get started with your things to accomplish over the next 4-months.   

If you want to send me your updates and progress you can do that at

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

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Thank you for your support - Vecus


Vee’s Inspiration February 2, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration January 31, 2024