Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration January 9, 2025

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Vee's Inspiration January 9, 2025

It is official,  my time as an operator has come to an end for now.  I’ll be transitioning to running the Real Estate Department full-time.  What does this mean???   Smile,  more time for me to get really good at something I was ok at.  You might ask, am I  sad? Absolutely.  I’ve run restaurants for the past 23 years.  One of the most challenging things for me is understanding that being a restaurant operator is what I’ve done for 23 years, it’s not who I’ve been for 23 years.  I’ve had to reconcile internally my role versus my identity versus my worth.  Real talk,  this has not been an easy emotional transition for me.  Sure I understand there is a multiplying effect of my value by me focusing 100% on Real Estate. And yes,  I get that purchasing Real Estate enables the company to continue to grow and become more profitable.  I get it, this is a bigger job with a larger impact on the company's future, but it has been a challenge.  I’m sure there is a mixture of pride, ego, insecurity, and fear of leaving a comfort zone that has me sleeping less and thinking more, training harder, and putting myself into more uncomfortable situations to be ready for the unknown.  This is why I’m so excited about my journey to Spartan.  Obstacle Course Races are an unknown quantity of pain and discomfort that you defeat by moving forward.   Despite my apprehension,  I will continue to move forward.  By the way, I started my Ice plunges yesterday, submerged in 28.5-degree water temperature for 3 min.  Check out the video on My Journey to Spartan

Special shout out to my people…

Kevin, Simel, Salonick, Bruce, Hillary, and Drew congratulations on your added responsibilities.  

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

Vee’s Inspiration

To follow me on  My Journey to Spartan    Just click the link or go to Vee’s Fitness