Vee’s Inspiration January 17, 2025

Some of my thoughts, mixed with others…

Doing the simple boring things every day is the hardest thing to do. - Vecus2025

You don't rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your system - James Clear

If you believe it, fight for it.  If you fight for it, believe it. - Vecus2025

The hardest part of the journey is the first and last step. - Unknown

I don't care if you believe in me, I believe in me. - Vecus2025

Life is about choices, I choose to remain positive. - Vecus

The last time I asked for help, I was surprised that no one helped me.  I won't let that energy be my energy. - Vecus

I appreciate the hard times, they make me savor the good times. -Vecus

If ya gonna be dumb, you better be tough- Unknown 

Don't ask me a question if you don't want the truth. - Vecus

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

Vee’s Inspiration

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Vee’s Inspiration January 18, 2025


Vee’s Inspiration January 16, 2025