Vee’s Inspiration February 8, 2024

Some Real Talk…

People who have known me the longest have said, that once I put my mind to something,  there is not much that will get in my way until I succeed.  That is historically true but more recently inaccurate.   I have been saying I wanted to lose weight and get back into shape for awhile now, but have been only 70% committed.  The only problem is that 70% of committed is not truly committed.  When it comes to weight loss and fitness, one has to first define what is 100% and second execute that definition, 100%.  If you do anything less, your results might not be what you expect.  I’ve decided to return to historical Vecus and be 100% committed.

I’ve made  public my 4-month goals to accomplish - here is the 7-day recap for those goals

Week 1 progress report 2/1-2/8

For my 


  1. ✅Read a physical book for 30min a day -⭐️(started reading The Dairy of a CEO)  (Finish 3 books)

  2. ❎Complete the initial draft of my book- (ideas are there but nothing formatted yet)

  3. ✅Pay off $500 of credit card debt each pay period (8*500=$4000)

For my


  1. ✅Lose 1.5lbs per week for a total weight loss of 25.5lbs ⭐️(loss 6lbs the first week)

  2. ✅Be able to complete my personal 2024 Fitness goals.  ⭐️(on track)

  3. ✅Continue my No Alcohol Journey ⭐️(I have not had an alcoholic drink since July 3, 2023)

For my


  1. ✅Meditate/Contemplate 30 minutes per day (enjoy a stronger connection with God) ⭐️(has opened my perspective up to different things)

  2. ✅Use my Left hand to write 15 min per day (working to better activate the right side of my brain)⭐️ (this has been different)

  3. ❎Sauna or Cold Plunge 3-4 days per week (condition my nervous system)⭐️ ( I’ll only get two in this week)

What I’ve learned is that there is power in holding yourself 100% accountable.  I was able to complete 7 out of my 9 things this week.  I feel confident that I will be completing or have completed 100% of the things I set out to accomplish by the 4-month target date.  

Take a moment today to recap your 4-month goals.

Don’t forget TheChallengeFeburay

Wk 1 - Monday, February 5 - Friday February 9

3 Rounds (7.5min), of the following 5 movements

  1. 20sec Plank - 10sec rest

  2. 20sec Push-ups - 10sec rest

  3. 20sec Bent over Row - 10sec rest

  4. 20sec Air Squat to Toe Raise - 10sec rest

  5. 20sec Two Hand Shoulder Press - 10sec rest

If you asked me 15 years ago, what was my purpose,  I would have given an answer that sounded good and was accuarate at that stage in my life.   If you were to ask me today, I would tell you, “My passion is developing people as I continue to develop myself” 

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

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Vee’s Inspiration February 9, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration February 7, 2024