Vee’s Inspiration February 6, 2025
I feel my gears shifting as I get closer to my Spartan Race. My workouts are more intentional and my body is correctly responding. My diet is getting better, my psyche is getting in tune with my purpose, and I've been able to increase my sleep from 4-5 hours per night to 6 hours per night, my goal is to get to 7 of sleep per night by the summertime. My emotions are becoming matter-of-fact as to what is required for me to complete my 1st Spartan race in almost 8 years. It's a weird but empowering state when your mind and body start to converge on a single goal. For me, this state is positive proof of the benefits when our Mind & Body are in sync. Don't get me wrong, this has not been an easy journey, but I realize for me, it has been a necessary journey. What journey are you on? Leave a comment in the comment section below.
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe
Vee’s Inspiration
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