Vee’s Inspiration December 4, 2024

I’m not sure what happened to my mind yesterday,  I was stuck on November 3rd.  Thank you to everyone for the continuous shout-outs, thumbs up, and love for Vee’s Inspiration.  I will continue my daily journey towards being a better version of myself.  

 Most people don't realize that hypertension is one of the leading causes of death.  It creates underlying havoc on your body and renders your organs susceptible to other issues that can exasperate life or lead to death.  

My wife says, “I share too much, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't”  

I had my 3-4 times per year non-emergency doctors visit.

To give a little context, I've been on blood pressure medicine for 16 years now.  Originally it was to keep my borderline hypertension from becoming a life-changing problem.  But as life happens,  things happen.  From the traumatic loss of my mom to bouts with depression, to fractured relationships with family and friends, to challenging times personally and professionally, to drinking going from just on vacations and special events to having 1 or 2 drinks every day.  Life happens and my borderline hypertension grew to high blood pressure that had to be controlled by medication.   Fast forward to now.  I have not had an alcoholic drink since July 3, 2023, I've lost 47 lbs since February of 2024 and my blood pressure was 113/67 yesterday morning.  My doctor also reminded me that your blood pressure is usually the highest in the morning.  I told her I was feeling lethargic but not tired and she said that by the time I take my medicine at night, my pressure is low and my medicine might further lower it.  So the great news is that she has stepped me down to the lowest dose and believes I will be able to come off of it soon.  Look at God!

I share my story for a few reasons.    1. You are not alone in your struggles on this thing we call life  2.  Anything is possible with hard work, consistency, and tenacity. 3. Go to the doctor regularly and 4. Sometimes you hit goals you never set.  I was resolved to thinking I would always have to be on medication for my blood pressure.  I just set a goal to get completely off the lowest dose of medicine by March 2025.

This is all part of “My Journey to Spartan”

Rock with me.

Vee’s Inspiration 

To follow me on  My Journey to Spartan    Just click the link


Vee’s Inspiration December 5, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration December 3, 2024