Vee’s Inspiration April 22, 2024

Good Morning,

I hope you had a restful weekend and pray you have a productive week.  Just a personal fitness goal update.  I've lost 25lbs since February 4th.  My goal is to lose 10-12 more lbs while adding 2-5 lbs of muscle by my birthday, 6-12-24.   I figured my birthday is a cool number sequence so I might as well get into the best shape of my life.  It’s been a challenge with some mental and physical setbacks, but I've been able to adjust a lot of small things that have made a huge difference.  I’m looking forward to the possibility of hitting my fitness goal.  One of the best gifts of this journey has given me me the possibility of being able to start back doing OCR (Obstacle Course Race).  Those who know me know that has been a passion of mine, which I had to give up after my back surgery 7 years ago.  Nothing is definite yet, but at least I can imagine there is a possibility, whereas, for the past 7 years, I would never have ever considered it.   I share in hopes that it helps others who are on a journey and have struggled.  “There is always light if you keep going”-Vecus2024

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

Vee’s Inspiration @


Vee’s Inspiration April 23, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration April 21, 2024