Vee’s Inspiration February 15, 2023

This has been an interesting four-week journey for me.  A roller coaster of emotions that has ranged from excitement to fear assured to paranoid, security to insecurity, and last but not least optimism to regret.   

We fear the unknown, we fear the things we can't control, and we fear the possibility of failure.  I've felt all these things in what has felt like years but has only been 4 weeks.  

Some have said, “no plan survives the first contact with the enemy”

Mike Tyson has said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”  I've felt like I've been the “proverbial plan” that has not survived the first contact with the enemy or survived the first punch in the face.

But then yesterday happened.  I had a one-on-one meeting with my work Boss, my home Boss is my wife😉, and we discussed how things were going.  I was pleasantly surprised when mid-sentence he said, “I have been impressed with what you've done in a short amount of time.  There is a clear sense of who is in charge in your department,  the days we both are scheduled in the office, I've never beaten you here.  Things are going better than I had hoped.”  

All I could say was, “thank you, sir”

Three things...

  1. “Plans” can survive first contact with the enemy, as long as it isn't the only plan. And “plans” can survive a punch in the face as long as you don't pack your bags and give up.

  2. Over time, hard work always “pays off”,  you just have to give it time to “pay off”.

  3. Always return thanks...  Lord, Thank you. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Stay safe!


Don't forget to check out “Wednesdays Motivation” at


Vee’s Inspiration February 16, 2023


Vee’s Inspiration February 14, 2023