Vee’s Inspiration February 16, 2023

I had an interesting conversation with my son yesterday. 

(It was the new age text conversation...smh sometimes you have to meet them where they're at) 

It seems as though he has grown up a lot over the past year.  Our conversation reminded me of the ups and downs of this thing we call life.  

I think about my motivations when the kids were young.  The goal was to provide them with a stable home environment.  Allow them to participate in various extracurricular activities and take them on vacations that inspired them to dream big.  All these things were a sacrifice for my wife and me.  Despite what people may think,  we have seen our share of difficult times.  

As I'm communicating with my son (via text🤔👀) and he is sharing some of his challenges,  I see myself in him.  Trying to reconcile being a young adult with wanting the safety and security you had as a child.  Trying to balance working hard with wanting to enjoy life.  Trying to understand the dynamics of short-term saving, long-term saving, retirement savings, paying bills, and paying yourself.  It's hard!  I realize my role as a father, similar to how my father has done for me, is to always be supportive of his dreams.  Always be honest about reality.  Be transparent about your journey.  Remind him of a man’s responsibility to his family first and himself second.  Remind him that difficult times will be your life partner, you might as well be friends, and it’s ok to mess up every so often, just don’t do something that you can’t come back from.

Thank you son for the text conversation.  👀, lol.  I pray it helped you as much as it helped me.


Have a great Thursday!

Stay safe




Vee’s Inspiration February 17, 2023


Vee’s Inspiration February 15, 2023