Vee’s Inspiration July 13, 2023

Man, we had a workout at the gym yesterday that wore me out.  That was a 5 am - 6 am session.  I made it back home from work around     5:30 pm.  I had a few business meetings and before I knew it, it was 8 pm.  I was going to skip my 2-mile session, I was dead tired.  When I mentioned I was planning to skip my evening workout my wife just looked at me.  I quickly realized she was going to make sure I stay on top of my workouts.

Life is better when you have a solid support person or system.  Thank you, Babe!

Have a great Thursday!

Stay safe and Thank you!

Don't forget to Reserve your spot for FitCamp by 7/20.   Just click The722  and press the RSVP button.


Vee’s Inspiration July 14, 2023


Vee’s Inspiration July 12, 2023