Vee’s Inspiration January 22, 2024</a>
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It's been an interesting week.
Let's recap…
I Spent time with my favorite Aunt and Uncle, Aunt Paula and Uncle Jake.
Went to my other Uncle’s 80th birthday party. Happy birthday, Uncle Peter.
Was so sick I had to work from home on Tuesday.
Went back to work on Wednesday and Thursday, but had to leave early Thursday because I was sick.
Had a speaking engagement on Friday that, if I could, I would have canceled because I was not feeling good.
Flew to Dallas Friday night to give one of my Area Managers great news.
Did something stupid that could have cost me more than I was prepared to pay.
Flew back to Atlanta Saturday night and crawled into bed because I was not feeling good.
Had an early morning Sunday meeting with my guy to discuss the new Vee’s Fitness website at
Ate breakfast with wifey and the grandboys.
Took my wife’s advice and went back to bed to try and get some rest.
Last but not least, 3 down and at least 49 more to go. Hanging out with my favorite lady. Date Night! We just hit the seat button on the bed and watched the football games while eating snacks.
It's been a week, I'm thankful for all of God’s blessings and protection.
Stay safe and Have a Great Day!
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