Vee’s Inspiration September 12, 2024

A conversation with Mom…

Mom, for me,  this has been and will always be YOUR day.   Despite the dangerous hurricane, I believe her name is Francine,  this is still your day.  Your special light dries  her rain away.  And Mom, despite our sadness with the loss of our family Dewanney, and our close friend Walt,  today is still your special day.  

When you first went away, I remember how I cried all day, every day, missing you, missing what you meant to me and what you meant to our family.  And then as time wiped some of the pain from my soul, I mourned silently and cried internally until my pain had nowhere else to drown itself.  And then as you came to me in those quiet moments of despair and assured me, you were still here, with me and around me, to continue to guide me and protect me with those crazy lessons you often taught me.  My insides overflowed with the fountains of your memories, and all the beautiful things you’ve always said to me, with those words only a mother can whisper,  you brought me back to loving this day.  Loving this day as a tribute to how much you loved me and I loved you—a day of celebration mixed with grateful contemplation of how special you are to me.  I take those lessons you taught me, without them, there would not be, the man today you see.  So yes Mom, I miss you more than any picture my words can paint.  But I understand you are still here, your lessons, your standards, your principles, I carry them with me and unwrap them every day as your special gift to me.

Happy Birthday Mom, I love you and miss you every day. Continue to Rest in Peace.

Vee’s Inspiration


Vee’s Inspiration September 13, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration September 11, 2024