Vee’s Inspiration November 1, 2023

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like this year has gone by faster than any other year in my life.  It feels like it was just yesterday when I was talking about setting our 2023 personal and professional goals.  I can’t believe it’s November 1st.  

As this year has seemed to have raced by, I’ve been meditating a lot more this past week and have so many ideas, thoughts, and opinions about many different things.  One of my meditations was on imposter syndrome.  And how this mental condition has slowed down or derailed so many people's true passion.  We sometimes feel like we are not good enough or qualified enough to do the things we are passionate about.  We sometimes look at others and say they are so “________” and I’m not as good, or I don’t know as much, people won’t listen to me or what I have to say is not as valuable as what others have to say.  And of course, there are many more excuses and reasons why people don’t pursue their passion with all of their energies.  

In case you’re wondering why Vecus is being so judgmental of others,  the cool thing is, the above “We” is actually “Me”.  Hence my increased meditation or as I like to say quiet self-reflection.   This is what I’ve learned.  

I AM GOOD ENOUGH.  I AM QUALIFIED ENOUGH and if you’ve felt the same way I have felt, I encourage you to take some time and self-reflect.  I’m sure you are more qualified and more prepared than your insecurities would have you believe.

Have a great Wednesday!

Stay safe



Vee’s Inspiration November 2, 2023


Vee’s Inspiration October 31, 2023