Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration March 21, 2023

Every day is not an easy day.  We all have them.  Days that we’re tired, days we don’t feel our best, days when we want to just stay in bed and say “blank it”.   

Today is one of those mornings for me. I went to sleep early enough, around 9:30 and I woke up at 1:00 am.  I let the dogs out,  did some video editing for Vee’s Fitness’s first podcast, meditated and now I’m writing my morning inspiration.  But I don’t feel so inspired.  

I understand we all have days like this and I have had plenty of days like this.  Today I just felt like sharing that I'm having a morning like this.  (No worries, I’m not depressed, in crisis, or in jeopardy)

I’m going to take the advice I’ve given to so many people I've counseled who have struggled.  

I’m going to do a mental reset.  It’s 4:00 am.  I’m going to lie back down and set my alarm for 5:00 am.  Then I'm going to close my eyes and box breath until my alarm goes off.  During this time I will focus on flushing my mind and body of all anxieties, stress, and frustrations.  Hopefully,  I’ll get a good 40min nap. 🥱😉.

For me, mental care starts with me recognizing I’m in a vulnerable place and then working to self-correct.  If that fails,  my next step is to discuss it with my anchor. (that can be anyone you trust implicitly) And then I allow steps 1 and 2 to work.

9.5 out of 10 times step 1 works for me.  I share because we all have those times when we have to reset.  Please don’t think you are the only one who wakes up feeling the weight of life.  

If your morning is like mine,  take a few minutes to mentally reset or talk with a trusted friend.  

You are not alone.

Have a great Tuesday!

Stay safe