Vee’s Inspiration March 12, 2024
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Audio - Vee's Inspiration March 12, 2024
28,470 days, 683,280 hours, 40,996,800 minutes. When you look at these random numbers they don't tell the story. They don't tell the story of a boy who became a man in a harsh environment. A boy who became the father figure, a teacher, a mentor, and a protector of three other small boys. A boy who grew to serve his country with honor and distinction. A boy who started a family at 23 and for the next 55 years has been a father, a husband, a teacher, a mentor, and a protector to his family. A boy that grew into a man, and then into a Father and then into a Grandad, and then into a Great Grandad. A boy that I call Dad! Dad, 78 trips around the Sun! Thank you for all the lessons you've taught me. And thank you for showing me there is life and happiness after soul-shaking losses. I appreciate your example more than you will ever realize. I love you. Have a safe, and happy Birthday!
-Vecus Jr to Vecus Sr.
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!
Thank you for your support - Vecus