Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration March 12, 2023

You were my first example of a good husband, father, brother, and son.  When I was young,  I didn't appreciate those examples.  I thought you were too tough, too smart, too perfect.  I didn't understand why you wore a suit to work every day.  I didn't understand why you bought two or three newspapers every day and still watched the news every evening.   It didn't make sense why you would fall asleep most nights around 9 pm and get back up at 4 am.  I didn't get why you would walk down Johnson ave to 231st Street every Saturday and Sunday to pick up your newspapers.  And why every Sunday you would watch every news program on TV?  

You were also the person that was at every one of my little league baseball games,  and the person who would spend countless hours playing stickball with me.  I remember you taking me to your basketball games and the rides in the purple Charger.  The many stories about the adventures of Gogo, the international coolest man alive.  Who I thought was a real person until my early teenage years.

You were the final decider that moved us to River Park Towers on the 24th floor, right when I was born because the previous apartment had rats.  And then you moved us again eight years later when the “Towers”  became a killing field and people would throw babies out of windows.  

I did not understand the sacrifice you made by moving us to Riverdale. I just knew we were in a really nice neighborhood.  I didn't realize you getting up at 4 am to walk to the train and then taking another train so you would get to work on time was part of that sacrifice.  I did not understand the sacrifice you made to be at all of my little league baseball games.  I just saw you were always there.  I didn't understand the sacrifice that was made for my education and all the other sacrifices you made from birth until now.  

Thank you, Dad,  I love you and respect you and I pray that I can be the father, husband, brother, son, and man to mine, like you were to me.

Happy Birthday!  Enjoy today as I know you enjoy every day.  Don't turn up too much😉

I love you! Vecus Jr to Vecus Sr.

Have a great Birthday!

Stay safe!