Vee’s Inspiration July 25, 2024

Crazy story.  When I decided to be better, I was better.  Sure we can all take an honest look at ourselves and give ourselves flowers for being good.  But can we be better?  That's the question I ask myself every day.  How can I get better? How can I be better? What does better look like?  Is better truly better?  

My fitness journey from February 2nd, 2024 to June 12th, 2024 was about me challenging myself to be better.  (My wife says I share too much but that's just me) When I stepped out of the shower yesterday I looked at myself in the mirror and saw I was not as defined as I was in June.  It's amazing how self-doubt and insecurities can easily creep into our psyche.  I had to take a moment to remind myself, that June 13-October 1st is my growing period and I won't look the same during this growth process.  My point, being better is not just physical or material.  It’s also emotional, intellectual, spiritual, or any aspect of your life.  

I challenge you to be Better!

My Day 25 of Being Great in July.

(no dog duty because we are traveling)

  1. Woke up at 3:00 am 

  2. Meditated for 30 minutes 

  3. 15 minutes reading the book grit

  4. 100oz of water 

  5. Workout-                                       Shoulder - 4x15 of each - Heavy Dmdumbbell seated press, Heavy standby dumbbell shoulder shrug, single arm dumbbell standing shoulder press, standing dumbbell front deltoid raise,                        Shoulder 4 x (20-10-20) circuit- Standing cable front deltoid     Overhead press- standing cable front deltoid raise - standing deltoid between leg pull.  Shoulder 4x15 of each - Standing cable rear deltoid face pull superset single arm side cable raise

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

The first thing I did the same 

Vee’s Inspiration @ Vecus. nett


Vee’s Inspiration July 26, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration July 24, 2024