Vee’s Inspiration February 22, 2025
Real Talk, it's been an interesting past few weeks for me, I guess culminating in my mom showing up in my dreams to help settle my spirit. I can't say that I am 100% settled, but I am feeling more settled. It’s funny yet amazing how God works in ways that might appear coincidental or mysterious, but are clearly explained. Your explanation might come in a different language or book from mine, but the theme is universal. I will come and give you respite when you most need it.
It doesn't matter how physically or mentally tough we might be, we all get “FULL” I like to consider myself a tough guy. Not to be confused with a thug. My definition of tough is being able to handle multiple situations with positive optimism. Sheesh, it's easy to be mad when things are all messed up or when someone does something crazy. It’s TOUGH when you respond with a positive-can-handle attitude. I salute all the TOUGH Men and Women.
My bad, I digressed, I've been mentally full for a while now. I've have had a bunch of moving parts going on personally and professionally. Nothing bad bad, just a lot of things to process and figure out. I believe that's why Mom showed up in my dreams as God’s proxy. She did not have a message per se, she was just there as a reminder that God is always here. But then God did what God does. Manifested it into the physical.
Flow with this…
Barry called to check in on me. To let me know we will always be boys and he loved me. That was his reassurance that it's okay to tell another man you love him and it not be weird. Thank you, Barry.
Anthony reached out to check in on how my wife’s shoulder recovery was going. He also checked in on how I was doing. That was his gesture saying you're not alone. You have people thousands of miles away thinking about you.
Thank you Anthony
Ken, looked at me while at work and said, “How are you doing?” that was a question, but it was his quiet yet powerful sign of support. Thank you, Ken.
Adler said two things in two different settings that resonated with me. He shared that his dad had past a while ago and it’s still a challenge for him and as he was leaving he said, “ I’m here for whatever you need” That was his acknowledgment of seeing someone else in pain and letting them know you're there for them. Thank you, Adler.
Steven shared how appreciative he is of me and the things I have helped him with. He was misty-eyed as he shared a vulnerable moment he had with his family and how proud they are of him and his accomplishments. And then he and I sat for another 40 minutes discussing processes and systems and some of the challenges of our business. We both get geeked out when we start talking about processes and systems. That was him showing gratitude while also allowing me to decompress. Thank you, Steven.
Aunt Paula, thank you for the 50-minute conversation while I drove home from work. That was her giving me perspective. Thank you, Aunt Paula.
Anissia, asking if I was ok with her going out with her girls last night, of course, I was good with it, normally when I'm in town, we hang out on Friday nights, but she knew even without asking what I needed. I quiet evening by myself so I could get to bed by 7:30 and rest. That's her knowing what I need even when I don't know it. Thank you, my love
Change him, his , her to God in the above Real-life events that happened to me in the last 7 days and you see how God manifests into the physical.
I am humbled and thankful.
Vee’s Inspiration