Vee’s Inspiration February 15, 2024
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A conversation with myself…
I thought I needed to work out this morning, it's Leg Day Thursday. I do legs twice per week, never miss Legs on Monday and Leg Day Thursday, but this morning I woke up and decided to use today as a rest day. I smile when I think back to the young, ego-driven Vecus. The Vecus that never listened to his body, the Vecus that only listened to his ego. That Vecus was physically tough but mentally immature. Meaning I let my ego and my pride be my compass. Some may say ah Vecus, you're just making an excuse not to work out.
Check that, those who know me, know that working out is like sleeping and eating for me. My only requirement when I travel is there has to be a gym available. And 2nd, I'm up, and you're probably still asleep. It's 2:30 am as I meditate, return thanks, and compose, edit, and record this inspiration. So it's not about being tired it's about understanding my body and understanding when I need to take a workout rest day. That's something young mentally immature Vecus never truly understood.
I encourage people to be unapologetically truthful with themselves and unapologetically do the things that are best for their Mind, Body, and Soul.
Circumstances sometimes dictate that we have to put ourselves on the back burner. I completely understand and agree with that, but that should be the exception, not the norm.
I sometimes use stories and examples to better paint the picture and create texture around the message. But if you missed it because of the paint or the texture, here is the no-chaser version. It's perfectly ok to take a break or rest day if you're doing it as part of your overall well-being and not as an excuse. When done correctly and strategically, rest days are more impactful than workout days. Do don't let ego or pride mess that up.
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!
My prayers go out to the families and individuals who were touched by violence in Kansas City, and in all the other places that aren't reported on the news.
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Thank you for your support - Vecus