Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration August 7, 2024

July 3, 2023, has become a special day for me.  It has become my proverbial line in the sand.  July 3 was the last day I had an alcoholic drink.  Some may ask, did you have a drinking problem?  Is there some dark history there?  No to the former and latter.  It was a day that my internal voice said, “Stop drinking for a while”  I had no clue that a year-plus later I would still not be drinking.  Have there been times when between the wife, the young adults, the grandboys, work, health events, celebratory times, and life stress I've wanted a drink?  Hell yeah.  The first 3-6 months were the most challenging and now having a drink is not even a thought.  

My wife says, “I share too much” but that’s what makes me me.  So I'm sharing…

The most powerful supportive event occurred last September when we were out to dinner for our anniversary with family.  Everyone ordered an alcoholic drink.  I felt the need or pressure to do the same so I ordered one.  My wife placed her hand on top of mine and said, “It’s ok baby, you don't have to drink.”  I tear up every time I think of that moment.  In that moment she showed me how much she supported what I was trying to do and made it “safe” to do it. The biggest lesson I learned was that giving yourself grace and forgiving yourself is a powerful tool in healing some mental and emotional ailments you might not have known you had.  Once I told myself it was ok and my wife helped me make it safe to not drink even if everyone around me drank,  I started my healing process.  

Give yourself grace, despite what you might think, you deserve it.

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

Vee’s Inspiration @