Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration August 14, 2023

“We are who we are because of the experiences and the people we were.”  -Vecus2023

My cousins came by the house yesterday, we appreciate y’all.  We had a laid-back time and just talked about life experiences and the evolutions that have led us to where we are today.  One’s evolution is fascinating when you look back and examine the process.  

For example, 

What were the series of actions or decisions that led you to your current situation?  

Are there lessons to be learned from previous evolutions so that your next evolution places you in the space you want to be in? 

If you are in the space you want to be in,  what lessons have you learned to keep you in that space as “life happens?”

I know, I know.  It's Monday so I won't drop too much on ya.  It's just good to reflect on things from time to time.

Have a great Monday!

Stay safe!