Vee’s Inspiration April 6, 2024
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Yesterday was a day. Here’s a recap
I ended up getting to Atlanta 5 hours later than I planned, but I got here safely✅
The rocks came early, but I was still able to move them to the backyard before we went to dinner✅
We sent messages wishing belated Happy Birthdays. My apologies again to those special people I missed.
We had date night and dinner with my cousins. We had a blast as usual, with good food, and good conversations while watching basketball✅
My wife did not agree with my, “There should not be men coaching women's college or professional basketball until there are women coaching men’s college or professional basketball” statement. I stand on my point even though everyone else disagreed with me✅
We made it home by 10:00 pm but I watched the Iowa game and didn't go to bed until 1:30 am. And yes I slept in until 5:30 am.✅
Time to work on my backyard project with my Nephew. Day 2 of my rock project “Life’s a gym and everything is a workout”
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!
Vee’s Inspiration @