Vee’s Inspiration April 29, 2024
There are times when your body will override your mind, and your discipline, and will check that ego, but it will never override my will and my spirit. I've been through tough and dark days in my past, those experiences have taught me how to hold on during difficult times, pause when you have to pause, and move forward even if it’s only an inch at a time. I've been in bed most of this weekend I must have caught a 48-hour bug or something. I literally lost 5-7 pounds of fluid. I woke up this morning still feeling bad, but I had to go downstairs and get a quick leg and fullbody workout in. It was a crappy workout, but for my mental well-being, I had to move the proverbial inch forward. And to one of my lil sisters “T”, “I love you” and “ I’m not that hard-soft mofo”😂
Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!
Vee’s Inspiration @