Vee’s Inspiration September 19, 2023
Something cool happened yesterday. I was having a discussion about fitness with my wife. I thought I had decided on something until she said, “I know you love fitness, but you are really good at speaking. I’ve seen you speak and something special happens when you speak to people. Use that gift”
Once she said that something clicked for me. It all just made sense. No cap, for years I’ve tried to communicate with people through fitness. Yes, “I love fitness”, but I have a passion and a gift for speaking and communicating with people. I need to use that.
I think I need to update my 2020 quote-
“Find something you love, and Chase it”-Vecus2020
My 2023 version is-
“Find something you Love, and Chase it. Find your passion and live it”- Vecus2023
Babe, I appreciate you for being patiently honest with me. Also, thank you for repeating my saying, “Regardless of what you do, you know I'm gonna Rock With You.”
Now the work begins…
Have a great Tuesday!
Stay safe!