Vee’s Inspiration October 5, 2023

I had a good conversation with my dad yesterday,  he reminded me why It’s important to work so hard.  He has worked hard his entire life.  He’s retired now and can do a lot of cool things.  I often say, to be retired, he is the busiest non-busy person I know.  Actually, that’s pretty cool.   Isn't that’s what life’s all about?  To be able to do the things you want to do.  

Dad,  thank you for being a role model for me.  You have demonstrated time and time again what being a good dad, husband, and man looks like.  I appreciate you and I’m thankful for you.  Continue to set the standard.

Have a great Thursday!

Stay safe!


Vee’s Inspiration October 6, 2023


Vee’s Inspiration October 4, 2023