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Vee’s Inspiration October 19, 2023

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Audio - Vee's Inspiration October 19th, 2023

A conversation I recently had with myself…

Sometimes there tough days, tough weeks, tough months, tough years.  When I'm  in the throws of those times, that can become my reality.  

Vecus, when that happens, think about 2017 and 2022.  

Remember In 2017?  You had back surgery and all the associated pain and nightmares. 

And remember in 2022?  You had COVID-19 which led to pneumonia and walking pneumonia, other lung and chest complications, and the development of sensitivities to foods like peanuts and gluten.  

I'm reminding you of these times because it's important to have some sort of reference point for when things get tough.  By the way, you know Anissia is going to say you share too much, but that's who we are.  These times are a reminder that I am more resilient than my circumstances.  

Vecus, Take a moment to breathe, prioritize the next steps,  keep a positive can-do attitude, and take it one step at a time.  

Another trick is to talk to some people who have gone through some challenging times.  The fact that you can talk to them indicates they have some experience that might help.  

We all have struggled or will struggle as we travel on this road called life.

Have a great Thursday!

Stay safe!