Vee’s Inspiration November 20, 2023
I remain optimistic that the crazy people who do the crazy things will be less crazy.
Optimistic that the perpetrators of the most unthinkable actions would suddenly stop or better yet, disappear.
Optimistic that the men and women who dream malice into reality would remain asleep.
I remain optimistic that the “thank yous” and the “you’re welcome” matter.
Optimistic that the desperate prayer from a lonely man, woman, or child is heard.
Optimistic that words matter, and actions means something.
Sometimes it's hard to remain hopeful, optimistic, positive, and encouraged. And sometimes it’s easy to be angry, hateful, negative, and defeated.
I wish I had the magic words or the right answer, but I don't. All I know is that it is a daily choice and a daily battle. There will be times when there is no light ahead and there is only darkness behind you; those are the times when you have to become your light. Usually, it takes us being in the darkest places for that light to illuminate. Have faith in the abilities and strength you were blessed with.
Take a moment to watch Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story.
Have a great Monday!
Stay safe