Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration May 9, 2023


Who wins when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object?

If you have described something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it?

If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong?

Which superpower would you not want?

What hair color do they list on your driver's license if you're bald?

You have discovered a beautiful island upon which you may build your society and you can even make the rules. What’s going to be the first rule you’ll put into place?

Are eyebrows also considered facial hair?

When you know the battery is dead, why do you press harder on the remote control?

Which side of the armrest is yours at a movie theater?

Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you're driving and looking for an address?

These aren’t my questions,  but I’ve tried to answer some of them in the past.  I figured after all the crazy events of last week we all deserve some humor.

P.S.  It was a struggle to get up and make it to Vee’s Fitness, but I put forth the effort and made it.  How did you do this morning?

Have a great Tuesday!

Stay safe!