Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration May 8, 2023

Nobody said it would be easy.  

People have commented to me over the years about my fitness and how well I balance things. They’ve often said it’s because of how disciplined I am.  Or it’s easier because the kids are now young adults and out of the house.  Or how because of my job title I have more flexibility.  Or my personal favorite,  if they had a full gym in their basement they would be in great shape also.

Well, first of all, thank you,  I receive all the good vibes.  Second,  I’m not in great shape, I’m in pretty good shape for a 52-year-old man.  Third, all the above things have taken years of hard work and blessings.

But just like everyone, I have many days I struggle.  I struggle with always being positive and refusing to stay negative.  I struggle with delivering the right message to my young adults, my grandboys, and my wife and friends.  I struggle with being available to the people I’m responsible for.  I struggle with eating the proper foods.  I struggle to drink enough water every day. I struggle with going to the gym, be it LA Fitness, Planet Fitness, or Vee’s Fitness.

This morning was a struggle to get up and go to Vee’s Fitness,  but I’m glad I made it.  You learn in life it’s not always about the results or how we do in the game.  In life, it’s more about the effort to get to the results or the effort to get to the game.  

If you didn’t make the effort today,  let’s make sure we make the effort tomorrow.  

Have a great Monday!

Stay safe!