Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration May 6, 2023

It's easy to be angry and frustrated.  And sometimes it feels good to be angry at someone or something.  Just realize anger and frustration consume so much of our life energy and can create many body-damaging internal chemical reactions.  

I know it's a challenge to cool the anger and release the frustration but let's try...

Take 20-30 minutes of total disconnect time.  During this time, let's use 10-15 minutes to concentrate on breathing and mental cleansing.  

For 4 counts exhale - and while you exhale focus on pushing the anger, the frustration, and the negative thoughts out of your body.  Hold for 1 count.  For 4 counts inhale - and while you inhale focus on things that make you happy,  think about that perfect day, and invite positive clear thoughts into your body.  Hold for 1 count.  

This is a 10-count exercise that can be physically taxing, but it works.  Try it and if possible, do it for at least 5 minutes.  For me, 10-15 minutes work best.

If you are going through something or just feel on edge or frustrated I think this will help.  It helps me all the time.

Have a great Saturday!

Stay safe!