Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration March 4, 2023

You said there would be times when life is rough.  Times when it seems like everyone is against me.  Times when I'd have to go at it alone.

You said there would be times when I would be confused. Times when the hard work doesn't seem to be worth it.  Times when people say things and do things that don't make sense.

You said there would be times when I would be frustrated. Times when reality is nothing like my dreams.  Times when form does not follow function.

You said there would be times when I would be heartbroken.  Times when her words would tell lies about her heart.  Times when my best was not good enough.  Times when my love would be unrequited.

You said there would be times when I would be scared.  Times when I would be alone.  Times when I would be lost.  Times when I would have to fight my own battles.

You said there would be a time when I finally understood your every word, your every emotion, your every fear, your every frustration.  

Mom, Dad, I understand...

Have a great Saturday!

Stay safe!