Vee’s Inspiration January 5, 2025

My wife says, “Sometimes I share too much”,  I say,  “That’s what makes me me”

Thank you to my wife for being calm instead of an agitator 


My wife and I went to Home Depot to pick up a few items.  We’re at the self-checkout and I'm scanning the items,  this older cat comes by with his cart and says, to my wife, “Excuse me, you're so beautiful”  no harm in a person giving a compliment.  He then said something to the effect of “eat you” and walked out of the store.  I always hear everything, but was not sure I heard what I knew I heard.  As we walked out, I asked my wife what he said, she repeated the first part, but not the other part.  As my twin awoke, I stopped and looked at her and asked her again what he said.  She put her hand on my hand and said nothing, let's just go.  I noticed the guy loading his car with another woman.  We were parked two spaces down.  My wife said let’s just get in the car and go.  I opened her door, let her get in, closed it, and loaded our items into the truck.  I then stopped and looked at the guy who was still loading his car, I counted to ten and told my twin to go back to sleep.  As I got into the car,  I repeated the second comment I heard the guy say.  My wife looked at me and tried to say she didn't hear that, but she did.  She was protecting me from my twin.  She knew if she would have repeated what was said.  

Things might shift and get dangerous.  

A Flashback-

15 years ago we went to Cancun.  We were out partying and having a great time.  She had on this nice jean dress with a split on the side and she was rocking those heels and looking good.  We had just got back to the hotel, I was walking slightly ahead of her, and all I heard was don't put your hands on me.  My twin awoke and I went in on ten guys.  Fortunately, things got broken up and I didn't go to jail, no one wants to go to jail in Mexico.

Back to the present-

I said to her, either way, we all lose, if I hurt him badly my life as I know it is over.  If he hurts me badly my life as I know it is over.  This is what is known as a no-win situation, a lose-lose.  I said to my wife, “We have too much to lose if I react to this.”  I called him a choice word in my head and we drove away.  


As I've gotten older, I understand the power of consequences.  As I’ve matured I understand the finality of certain behaviors.  A mantra that has helped me remain calm over the years.   If I am the aggressor, pause a few moments before doing anything. If someone else is the aggressor, don't hesitate.

I hope that hearing some of my experiences on my journey of this thing we call life helps someone on their journey of life.  

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe

Vee’s Inspiration

To follow me on  My Journey to Spartan    Just click the link or go to Vee’s Fitness


Vee’s Inspiration January 6, 2025


Vee’s Inspiration January 4, 2025