Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration February 28, 2023


Her ebb and flow hypnotize my eyes as I follow the rhythmic movement of those thighs

The movement of life as she entices and reveals all my secret vices

I shutter, those eyes....those beautiful ebony eyes that pretend not to see me, not to know me but they know me

They sow me into that universal darkness that covers all my emptiness

The shallowness of my loneliness created by the demon seeds of that past life sprouted into the flowers that you smell in this life

Picked and staged to create a picture in her mind of love yet your lust has destroyed that circle of trust that is formed between a man and his side.  

No, no not his side, but her side which is the left side,  the second finger from the outside of her hand that connects to his right side that forms that bond that is said to be unbreakable

Unshakable chains that remain until the pain of she leaving he or him leaving her to be with the creator that created the ebb that allowed us to flow through the eye of the needle of life. 

That ebb and that flow of those thighs....

that hypnotized my eyes while my eyes on those thighs...

Hypnotized her mind


Have a great Tuesday!

Stay safe!
