Vee’s Inspiration April 16, 2024

I'll give the full New York Chronicles at a later time.  Let’s just say we had a great time, saw some old friends, did some new things, and caught up with family we hadn't seen in a while.  Ate some Cuban and some pizza,  walked like New Yorkers, talked like New Yorkers, and even bumped a few people like New Yorkers.  We Ubered a lot like tourists do but also rode the train for old-time sake.  We did the lounge hopping thing and rode in and around Central Park in a pedal-drawn carriage. We saw MSG, and Macy’s at 34th and Times Square.  We took hundreds of pictures and even took a then 2014 to now 2024.  All in all, we had a great time. Thank you Family and Friends for making this reunion/birthday weekend a blast.  Can't wait to see everyone soon.  Until next time.

Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

Vee’s Inspiration @


Vee’s Inspiration April 17, 2024


Vee’s Inspiration April 15, 2024