Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Inspiration April 1, 2024

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Audio - Vee's Inspiration April 1, 2024

Am I the fool because I refuse to follow the rule?  That rule that speaks to being quiet while you're rude.  Making the comments and suggestions that are subtle and crude.  The mention of my dimensions and how your intentions will benefit me.  Not the me that all the people see but the me that is private and only for the special one to see. And by that last gasp you revealed the mask that everyone sees,  but I see what they don't see that side eye that looks at me while you pretend to be everything they want you to be.  

Am I the fool because i refuse to play by your rule?  I walk with a shake that makes my hips and the ground quake with the possibilities that were drilled into me by blood sweat and tears of my destiny.  My destiny?  Mydestiny Mydestiny Mydestiny Modesty of what you want for me to forgive and forget My Destiny.  Oh but I'm not the fool that lets you forget, that blood tears and sweat to me.  That was created by those who created me from the seeds of oppression and slavery.    

Am i the fool because i refuse to follow the rule that has me locked into a reality that you created to sustain and maintain your reality but damned my mentality?  Oh i don't think ill be part of that fallacy that has me fighting that brown-eyed knotted girl with the earth tones that shaped her bones to be the center of all that's grown from that garden when there was no shame before they played that apple game that created the he the she the we.  From the beginning of what we call time, i began my celestial climb to a level to look into infinity as time bends into me.  As i continue to be, As i continue to be As i continue to be that fool that won't bend to your rule.


Have a Great Day and Stay Safe!

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