Vee’s Fitness January 15, 2024
It’s important to say thank you to those who fought and sacrificed for the many things we might take for granted. So I pause to say, Thank You. Today is the day Martin Luther King was born. A fellow Morehouse Man who helped to influence change. It would be irresponsible for me to give Martin Luther King all the credit and equally irresponsible for me not to give credit to some of the other influencers before, during, and after Martin Luther King's time who worked as hard and whose efforts also helped to influence change. While I realize I can't name all the people who made sacrifices and helped with change, and it would be irresponsible to say who was more important, I will name some of the significant events as a tribute to all the men and women who sacrificed to make things better.
Brown vs Board of Education
Emmitt Till
Rosa Parks
The Little Rock Nine
The sit-in at Woolworth’s lunch counter
The Freedom Riders
The March on Washington
The Church in Birmingham
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The quieting of Malcolm X
Bloody Sunday
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
The quieting of Martin Luther King Jr
The Fair Housing Act
Some names you might know and some names you probably won't know-
Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
Carter G. Woodson.
Harry T. and Harriette Moore
Julian Bond
Medgar Evers
Mary White Ovington
Mamie Till Mobley
Claudette Colvin
Maude Ballou
Diane Nash
John Lewis
Coretta Scott King
Thank you to all the people past and present for your tireless effort to make things better for the underserved and the underrepresented.
Stay safe and Have a Great Day!
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