Vee's Fitness

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

I was asked what “1st world problems” mean.

It means, most of the problems or issues we have stem from comfort or convenience.

We might get frustrated if we forgot to fill up the gas tank compared to having to walk 10 miles to get to a destination.

We might have to decide what to prepare for dinner or what type of food we want to have delivered compared to trying to scavenge food in the streets for our children to eat

We might be inconvenienced because it’s too hot or too cold compared to having to shelter from the elements with cardboard boxes

We might not have the right outfit for date night compared to wearing the same tattered clothes for months

We might say “I worked hard for what I have and if everyone worked as hard they would have the things they want also…”. But by the twist of circumstances, our reality could be different.

Thank you, Lord, for everything you have bestowed upon us. May we remain thankful and appreciative of your blessing and understand that every day is a test of our humility and service to others. May we remain steadfast in our commitment to helping those who need help as well as those who appear to not need help. We ask for your continued blessing and protection and we ask for prosperity in health and wealth. We give thanks and remain thankful.


Have a great Thursday!

Stay safe

“Time for me Gymdance”