Saturday December 17, 2022

Sometimes you have days like today. Smh. I started my morning text and did not finish it. I knew I had a busy long today ahead of me and I was so consumed with getting up and making it to the gym that I just lost sight of sending it. Interestingly enough, when I realized I had not sent it I was pulling into my garage this evening.

The message I was going to send this morning seems irrelevant now. I felt like crap last night and this morning, but I was determined to get my workout in. So my message was going to be about working through challenges both mentally and physically.

But God is good!

Today was a powerful work day on various levels. So my message this evening is simple, I'm thankful for God’s Blessings, protection, and inspiration. I hope your day was as inspiring as mine.

Have a great Saturday evening!

Stay safe!

“Gymdance” completed



Sunday December 18, 2022


Friday, December 16, 2022