Monday, January 16, 2023

Have you ever wondered how did I get here?

I've wondered and questioned on so many levels the trillions of intersections that created this very moment in time

This very moment in time is but another trillionth of an intersection that was destined to manifest sometime in the near or distant future

In this distant future where I question the possibility that my intersection interluding with your intersection is just a trillionth to the ninth power, but yet here we are

Here we are together now in a space that was created perchance that we both would stop at the perfect moment to be held prisoner by a glance

A glance that signifies the insignificance of all the impossible possibilities and the unimportantness of the original question

The original question that questioned the possibility that we would not be here, at this very moment, in this random space, passengers of destiny and prisoners of our glance.


Have a great Monday!

Stay safe!



Tuesday - January 17, 2023


Sunday, January 15, 2023