Thursday September 22nd, 2022
29 hours and counting😃
And I still have a bunch of stuff to do. We still have not packed. Lol, that shows how busy we have been the past week.
Why is my printer acting crazy?!? That's how things happen when you are trying to finish up a project. Smh.
Anyway, life is good.
My Lil brother that had the accident is on the mend. He did try to fuss at me, but I told him I'll poke him in the rib (that shut him up😆)
I had another conversation yesterday with another one if my Lil brothers and he and his wife are in a good place.
I had to have another conversation with another one of my Lil brothers about having two phones (I know right!💁🏾) His argument was good, mine was better. We'll see what he does.
I had to send a message to another one of my Lil brothers because he was slipping from a work standpoint. I think he got the message.
Man, I have a lot of Lil brothers and Lil sisters. I'm blessed and I appreciate them.
Take a moment today and tell the people in your life you appreciate them.
P.S. I worked out with one of my Lil brothers this morning. That was fun. I appreciate you, my man.
Have a great Thursday!
Stay safe!
“Time for my Gymdance”