Vee's Fitness

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Vee’s Journey

My passion is leading people and inspiring them to be the best version of themselves, regardless of their chosen profession, their age, or their life circumstances.  “Vee’s Journey” is my way to get myself back on that path.

Part 1 - my Fitness Goals

  1. Run a 6 minute mile during a 2-mile run

  2. 150 push-ups straight

  3. 500 seated weighted crunches straight

  4. 500 air squats straight

  5. 1000 jumping jacks straight

  6. Dead hang for 3 min

  7. 100 tire flips (150lb tire) straight

  8. 5min straight arm plank

  9. 100 laps on my backyard run course

  10. 50 laps in my pool

Part 2 - Period - by my 53rd birthday -June 12, 2024

Part 3 - Measurable - weekly/Monthly updates @ - Vee’s Journey

Part 4 - Reward/Goal -

  1. Set the example for my kids, my grandkids, and anybody who doubts themselves - if you write it, believe it, run hard after it, and remain committed to it, anything is possible.

  2. Get into the best shape of my life